Children’s Ministry

At First Church, children, youth, and adults walk together on their journeys of faith. We are on a common path towards discipleship, constantly learning and enriching each other’s faith journey.

We offer church school programming that reaches each of our children at their developmental levels and appeals to a variety of learning styles. Interwoven into our shared time together are discussions around practicing generosity, seeking justice, and radical hospitality. During the academic year, the first Sunday of each month is set aside for an All-Ages Worship service in place of church school to engage the sacraments and traditions of our church in new ways together.

Sunday morning is just one aspect of our young people’s faith life. The church offers Confirmation, Youth Groups, Vacation Bible School, as well as other special programming throughout the year. We hope that you and your family will explore multiple ways of forming your faith both here at First Church and at home.

Join Our Sunday School Team

As we continue to nurture the spiritual growth of our children, we are excited to invite you to contribute your unique talents and gifts to our Sunday School team. Whether you have a passion for teaching, storytelling, arts and crafts, or simply a love for working with children, your involvement can significantly shape their faith and understanding of the world. If you’re interested in joining us or would like to learn more, please contact Amanda Bethune, We would love to hear from you!

Acolytes – We need more children

Church acolytes play an important role in our Sunday services. Children will be lighting the candles before worship as well as putting the candles out to conclude the service. This can be a meaningful way for our children to serve their faith community. If your child is interested in helping out, please see or email Amanda Bethune at