The John P. Webster Library is . . .

FieldTripMosque 011

a diverse collection of over 13,000 resources for research, biblical exploration and understanding, leisure reading, sermon and ministry preparation, faith formation, and spiritual growth

reading on the bench

a welcoming Children’s Library with a strong collection of faith formation resources for both children and adults (formerly known as the Ruth Dudley Resource Center)

Nathan Perkins sermon 5.18

a place of inspiration, learning, and fellowship for all ages

Lambeau in JPW

First Church and the JPW Library are
Living in Spirit,
Committed to Service,
and Open to All.

Whoever you are,
wherever you are on life’s journey,
you are welcome here.

The John P. Webster Library is a vibrant, welcoming spiritual resource center open to everyone – church membership is not required to check out our materials. Located at 12 South Main in West Hartford, and found beneath the church sanctuary, the JPW Library might be West Hartford’s very best secret! Stop in and explore our collection!


Phone: 860-232-3893



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