Climate Change Workgroup

Climate Change Workgroup


Minding the earth, or being stewards of the earth really does start at home… then spreads. From the beginning of time, Scripture tells us, God gave human beings the task “to cultivate and care for” our world (Genesis 2:15). We are called to be “stewards of creation”—gratefully making use of the abundant natural resources God has created, but treating God’s creation with respectful care.


Our church received the “Green Church” recognition from the United Church of Christ – mostly for energy saving measures like switching light bulbs to be energy efficient. We’ve learned that “going green” is an on-going learning process and this workgroup formed to be sure ideas are constantly shared because our earth matters!

The Climate Justice team came up with a list of ideas for you to do at home. Save the list to your computer, check off what you’ve accomplished, and keep track of what you have yet to try. We can’t each do them all, but certainly many. New ideas are welcome, and every little bit helps!

1) Click “Climate Justice Worksheet” button below.
2) Select “Export as PDF” or “Save As” and save file to your hard drive, making sure you keep is as a .pdf file.
3) Open the pdf file and check off your own accomplishments right on your own computer screen. Get the whole family involved!

Several church members shared their experience with electric and hybrid vehicles. Watch video here:

On Sunday May 15, 2022 we were honored to have Reverend Jim Antal, Special Advisor on Climate Justice, in the pulpit at First Church. He brought a message of hope and action, empowering us to take up the banner of climate justice. His book is “Climate Church, Climate World.”


Earth Stewardship Begins at Home

Leave the leaves!

Mulch the leaves with you mower and leave them in place and use the mulch on garden beds.

Reusable “Swiffer”

Do you have a Swiffer?  Go green by replacing the disposable replacement covers with felt.  It’s washable and reusable! Thanks to Carole Carter for this tip!

Ditch the Paper Towels

Use small cloth towels instead of paper towels around the kitchen. Thanks to Bob Calef for this tip!

Try it, You’ll Like it!

Toilet paper made from bamboo? Yes it is soft, sustainable, and you should try it! More than 900,000 trees are cut down every day just to make paper towels and toilet paper, and it takes about 20 years for each tree to grow back. Bamboo grows in three months! Thank you Linda Bronstein for sharing this tip!

Just Say “No” to Scented Candles

Take a look at your home and you’ll see many sources of unhealthy “indoor air pollution.” Instead of burning toxic scented candles, try diffusing essential oils instead to clean the air instead of just masking the odors like the sprays do.  Thanks to Joy Taylor for this tip!

Thank you, Carol Lennig and everyone on the Climate Justice Workgroup for this very helpful information board in the rotunda!