Donate Here

To make an online donation with your credit or debit card, click on the Donate button below, type amount and choose the designation from drop-down.

Your generosity blesses First Church with strength and vitality, and helps to support the ministry, missions, and programs of First Church. Thank you!

To set up recurring payments, or to use ACH, login to “My First Church Login” at bottom of this page, and select GIVE from the Menu on the left side of the screen. Click here for written instructions.

Light the Steeple

Link is available for anyone to sponsor the steeple lighting for a week in honor of, or in memory of a loved one for just $25 per week. Please pick your date at least one week in advance of desired week. All donors will be acknowledged in our weekly Happenings.


Checks can be mailed to the church. Please indicate the fund, of your choice, in the memo line of your check.

First Church West Hartford
12 S. Main Street
West Hartford, CT 06107


Donations can be made by cash or check in the collection plate during the Offertory in Sunday Worship.

Stock Gift

It’s easy to give gifts of stocks and securities to First Church. For more information on how to give gifts of securities, simply reach out to our appointed, local Financial Advisor Sue Banville at Edward Jones in West Hartford at 860-521-2119.