The John P. Webster Library is a member of Bibliomation, Inc., Connecticut’s largest library technology consortium. Over 75 Connecticut libraries share an Evergreen system with centralized cataloging and a shared computer network.

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Give us a call if you have any questions! 860-232-3893

JPWL Suggestions for Summer Reading (All titles are available at the JPWL)


Sea Wife by Amity Gaige. Juliet and Michael are disillusioned with work, life, and marriage for individual reasons, and even though they are novice sailors, they set out for a yearlong sailing venture with their two young children. Things are fine at first until the unexpected happens. A complicated story of marriage and family, extreme adventure, and living off the grid.

Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger. A brilliantly moving account of a boy standing at the door of his young manhood, trying to understand a world that seems to be falling apart around him. It is an unforgettable novel about discovering the terrible price of wisdom and the enduring grace of God.

American Savior by Roland Merullo. What if Jesus appeared and announced that he planned to run for President of the United States? And what if a well-meaning, utterly inexperienced, band of disciples helped him mount a seat-of-the-pants campaign and ran it well, getting millions of people to support him — and in the process throwing the other two major party candidates into a frenzy as they scramble to discredit him?


Somehow: Thoughts on Love by Anne Lamont. The witty and compassionate Lamott explores all the colors of love’s spectrum: the unexpected love for a partner later in life; the bruised (and bruising) love for a child who disappoints; the sustaining love among a group of sinners, for a community in transition, in the wider world.

Ecological Spirituality by Diarmuid O’Murchu. In his scholarly, welcoming style O’Murchu reintroduces readers to the long history of humanity’s relationship with the creative Spirit of God, including and transcending expected religious traditions in a growing horizon of faith. As we rediscover the sacred here on Earth, we are called to connect spirit with Spirit, discerning and living an ecologically-focused spirituality for the well-being of creatures and ecosystems around the planet.

Free to Be: Understanding Kids & Gender Identity by Jack Turban, M.D. An authoritative guide to understanding and navigating gender identity from an acclaimed expert on the mental health of transgender and gender diverse youth. As it becomes increasingly common for us to meet transgender kids, as well as kids with more expansive notions of gender than past generations, it is vital that we have the tools we need in order to truly see and support them.

What’s new at the John P. Webster Library?

We have many new books on the shelves. Come in and see for yourself! We are open 9-12 Sundays, and 9-5 Monday – Thursday. Here’s a peek at some recent acquisitions.

Located beneath the First Church Meeting House, the JPWL is the go-to place for books and media related to sermons, Sunday School, social justice issues, and so much more!


Phone: 860-232-3893



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