The John P. Webster Library is a member of Bibliomation, Inc., Connecticut’s largest library technology consortium. Over 75 Connecticut libraries share an Evergreen system with centralized cataloging and a shared computer network.

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The John P. Webster Library has a free mobile app that allows you to access the library catalog quickly and easily!


The Acorn Catalog mobile app makes it easy to:

Search the catalog

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Renew items


Wondering how to download and use the Acorn Catalog?

Check out this YouTube video


Ready to get the app? You’ll find it at the following links: 

Google Play Store

Apple/iOS App Store


Give us a call if you have any questions! 860-232-3893

JPWL Suggestions for Summer Reading (All titles are available at the JPWL)


Was America Founded as a Christian Nation? By John Fea. A good introduction to the subject, especially for those interested in the debates surrounding the role of religion in our nation’s history and the contentious issues of church-state separation.


Go as a River by Shelley Read. Inspired by true events surrounding the flooding of Iola, CO with the construction of the Blue Mesa Dam in the 1960s, here is a story of love in the face of hardship and loss, but also of finding courage, friendship, and, finally, home. Read explores how “cultural norms and notions of ‘progress’ alienate people and destroy lives. Go as a River is about digging down and finding strength and resilience and it’s about connecting and caring for — and feeling humbled in — the natural world.”

What’s new at the John P. Webster Library?

We have many new books on the shelves. Come in and see for yourself! We are open 9-12 Sundays, and 9-5 Monday – Thursday. Here’s a peek at some recent acquisitions.

Located beneath the First Church Meeting House, the JPWL is the go-to place for books and media related to sermons, Sunday School, social justice issues, and so much more!


Phone: 860-232-3893



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