visit us

The JPWL is open to the public!

Come in, check out and/or return books, browse the stacks, read the newspaper, and get on our free wi-fi! Jennifer and Molly will be glad to help you. We look forward to welcoming you to our beautiful library!


We are located beneath the Meeting House of First Church, West Hartford. For security reasons doors into building are locked, but if you ring the door bell at the Rotunda Entrance, which is behind the building, where the parking lot is located, someone will buzz you into building! Walk down the hall to the left, to the elevator or stairs. Go to the 2nd floor. Follow signs to the JPW Library!


Library Hours:

Monday-Thursday: 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Sunday: 9:00 a.m.–12 noon (watch Worship Service from here)
Closed Friday and Saturday


Art Exhibit: Don Bonner, American Artist
JPWL Gallery
March 2 – April 30

Don Bonner grew up inspired by the picturesque surroundings in Western Massachusetts and he now lives in central Connecticut. He attended the Paier School of Art outside New Haven. Don is passionate about telling a story on canvas, and creating it with color, lighting, and emotion. His studio is in Avon, Connecticut. GICLEE prints available in a variety of sizes and prices. To see more artwork and for information, purchase, etc. contact Don HERE. He is also on Facebook and Instagram.

Watch Live-Streamed Worship in the Church Library!

First Church’s worship services are live streamed every Sunday in our bright, comfortable John P. Webster Library. Come watch while your toddler plays in our children’s area or if you need a separate place to worship for any other reason. The JPW Library is also open Monday-Thursday 9-5. Everyone is welcome — church membership is not required! Come in and find your next read!

Contact the John P. Webster Library

For questions and assistance, please email us at You can reach the John P. Webster Library via phone at: (860) 232-3893

Mailing Address: John P. Webster Library at First Church, West Hartford, 12 S. Main St., West Hartford, CT 06107 View on Map

JPWL’s Lazarus Books – Where Used Books Find New Life

Come and browse the JPW Library’s used-book corner. Library discards, donated books, leftover book group books, and more – all for a freewill donation! AND we send all donations to Literacy Volunteers of Greater Hartford, dedicated to “transforming lives through literacy by empowering adults to read, learn, work and grow.”

A Stylish “Green” Gift Idea

Here’s your opportunity for local, “green” gift buying! The JPWL is selling bags that were sewn from old church banners. These upcycled, one-of-a-kind First Church-branded totes and clutches will be for sale during Hospitality Hour. Totes are $20 each; clutches are $10 each, or 3 for $25. All proceeds will be used by the Outreach Team to support nearby environmental charities.