Judy Schmitt
Tidings December 2019 Issue
Judy Schmitt
Tidings December 2019 Issue
I used to come to First Church just on Sunday mornings. No more. Now I come to First Church many times during the week, and I see a number of church members coming and going as well. The parking lot is often full, especially at night.
That is what I love about First Church. We have a vibrant community of creative people who actively use the church building during the week. This extends our church experience well beyond just Sunday morning worship. We come for book groups, music, lectures, team or workgroup meetings, Taizé and Celtic worship, yoga, choir rehearsal, Boy Scouts, etc.
One of my primary activities at church is with the handbell choir. This led to my ringing bells not only in church this past year, but also with 500 other ringers at a handbell conference at the University of Hartford in June, and with 50 others early in November at the first-ever handbell concert at the Bushnell. What a fantastic experience, made possible because of our church.
We each have much to be grateful for this holiday season. Our faith community is one such blessing, as well as the faith leaders and church members who make “faith” and “community” activities happen. I am grateful for their energy which provides an engine for our faith journey. Being in a leadership position, I have seen the planning calendar for the new year and it is as full as it ever has been.
I feel richer, just for being part of the First Church faith community. I hope you do, too.