First Church Choirs

Welcome to the First Church Choirs!

First Church offers opportunities to get involved in music during our services. We have an Adult Choir, Handbell Choir, and Trombone Choir. Contact our Director of Worship Arts, Jim Boratko, for more information.

The choir provides choral music to amplify the spiritual message of each Sunday morning worship service. Our repertoire includes sacred music of all musical styles (classical, gospel, folk, jazz, contemporary, as well as others). In addition to presenting musical offerings for worship services, the choir has occasionally performed major works in concert, including Fauré’s Requiem, Durufle’s Requiem, and Vierne’s Missa Solemne. The choir also performed Missa Gaia with Grammy Award Winning artists Paul Winter, Eugene Friesen, and Theresa Thomason.

Try something new for Lent!

People often want to know what you are giving up for Lent. Instead of giving up something, why not add something to your life for Lent. Both the Adult Choir and the Handbell Choir are looking to add people to our ensembles.

Don’t worry that you might not have the best voice or enough experience. We want YOU to join our communities. We’ll be happy for you to join us where you are. We will teach you everything you need to know to participate, and you’ll have fun doing so! The choir rehearses Tuesday nights from 7:00 to 8:30, and the Bell Choir rehearses Wednesday nights from 7:00 to 8:15. Speak to Jim Boratko or Jessica Berube-Sengupta for more information.