Open & Affirming

Open & Affirming

Celebrating the Biblical mandate to “love your neighbor as yourself (Luke 10:27) and aware that “God shows no partiality” (Romans 2:11), First Church welcomes and affirms each person regardless of age, disabling condition, economic standing, gender, nationality, race, or sexual orientation.


Our faith invites and challenges us to live the fullness of the Gospel as we affirm the following:

  • God creates us to be in community and encourages us to share openly and honestly in our common life and mission.
  • God blesses the diversity that is a reality in the world.
  • God calls us to seek justice in our church and world as we guard and celebrate the worth of each person.
  • God’s love empowers us to respect and value each person as a beloved child of God.


Therefore, First Church of Christ, Congregational, United Church of Christ, West Hartford, CT, extends hospitality to each person who seeks inclusion in Christ’s Church.


Adopted: October 15, 2006

West Hartford Pride Day 2024! Saturday, June 22

Dear All,
Thanks to everyone who volunteered to help with the First Church booth at the West Hartford Pride festival last Saturday.  The festival itself was very successful–larger than last year and very well attended.  Sponsoring this booth was a good way to highlight First Church’s commitment to justice and equality, and it provided a welcome opportunity to work closely with other church members.
The weather could have been better but it didn’t seem to dampen the festivities until late in the day.  Special thanks to those who helped with clean-up in the downpour!
Blessings to all,


Photos from 2024!

Photos from 2023!