Photo Gallery 2023

Welcome to the church Photo Gallery. We try and get most church events documented but we rely on you too! Please click image for some guidelines; like keep your phone in silent mode. Remember, when in doubt it’s polite to ask permission!


–Amy & Joy

2023 photos posted on this page, for earlier years click here, and for 2024 click here

Christmas Eve., 4:30 Pageant Worship

Dec. 24, 2023

Fredd Ward voted for as Senior Pastor

Dec. 3, 2023

West Hartford Festival of Trees 2023

Nov. 30, 2023

Lollipop Opera – Fairy Tale Kitchen

Oct. 27, 2023

Blessing of the Animals

Oct. 1, 2023

Fall Chamber Music Concert

Sept. 24, 2023

Fall Pot Luck Dinner put on by the Inreach Team

Sept. 22, 2023

Welcome Home! Enjoy some candid moments from our annual Homecoming Celebration!

Sept. 10, 2023

Mac-N-Cheese Night was so much casual fun, including fellowship and a sing-along!

May 19, 2023

Special Storytelling Program with Storyteller Jedda La Rue of Family-N-Motion

May 18, 2023

Harvest Pack 2023. Thank you to more than 60 volunteers of all ages for helping pack 12,816 meals in 2 hours!

April 29, 2023

Dialogue with MAP (Master of Arts in International Peace-building) students from Hartford International University for Religion and Peace.

February 26, 2023

Just for Fun! Business Team-Sponsored Family Game Night!

January 27, 2023