All are welcome to join us –livestream or in person – for worship services with our wonderful worship staff, including:
along with a variety of amazing choirs and musicians and speakers – don’t miss it!
Parking is available behind our building – the lot is accessible from Farmington Ave. We have handicap parking and an elevator. Press “3” in the elevator for the Meeting House.
Sponsoring altar flowers is a meaningful way to honor or remember loved ones and is also part of our Inreach ministry. Please contact the church office for details at or 860-233-9605.
The price of a seasonal altar flower arrangement is $90.
To Give an Online Offering Now, click here, or bring your offering on Sunday morning.
Text to Give by texting GIVE to (860) 222-7870 (and use your credit card).
You can now donate using ACH! If you have already used Txt2Give, text update to change payment type from credit card to ACH.