Please join us for 10 a.m. Sunday Worship Service.

All are welcome to join us –livestream or in person – for worship services with our wonderful worship staff, including:

along with a variety of amazing choirs and musicians and speakers – don’t miss it!

Parking is available behind our building – the lot is accessible from Farmington Ave. We have handicap parking and an elevator. Press “3” in the elevator for the Meeting House.

Donate Altar Flowers for a Loved One!

Sponsoring altar flowers is a meaningful way to honor or remember loved ones and is also part of our Inreach ministry. Please contact the church office for details at general.mail@whfirstchurch.org  or 860-233-9605.

The price of a seasonal altar flower arrangement is $90.


To Give an Online Offering Nowclick here, or bring your offering on Sunday morning.


Text to Give by texting GIVE to (860) 222-7870 (and use your credit card).


You can now donate using ACH! If you have already used Txt2Give, text update to change payment type from credit card to ACH.

Online Worship

Livestream of our Sunday service on our YouTube Channel HERE at 5 of the hour.
Need instructions? Click HERE