Communion Services

We serve Holy Communion on the first Sunday worship service of the month, 10 a.m. All are welcome to the table.

Welcome, family, to the feast! This is the feast of our God, where all are fed. No one goes away hungry. No one is turned away. At this table, there is room for everyone. This is not our table, of course, but Christ’s. It is He who has set the table and prepared a meal with enough for all. Just as the early followers of Jesus, who would come together to share a meal, share stories, and share community, we too gather at this table, hungry and eager to be fed. Here, we can eat to our fill.


At this table lies the mystery of our faith; for Communion doesn’t work without a broken body. To share bread, we must break it. To share of ourselves, we must be willing to share our own wounds, worries, and fears. Out of brokenness emerges wholeness and holiness.


This is the paradox of life abundant: love shared not out of perfection, but out of messiness, frailty, confusion, and self-absorption. The stories of our lives shared honestly. This is the perfect love that casts out fear. This is Communion, learning to love one another as we gather around a common meal, regardless of age, gender, class, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, political affiliation, disability, or name. This is the Feast of Justice, where compassion starts. This is where we are fed and likewise commit to feeding a hungry world, empowered by the divine nourishment of this, the Lord’s Supper. At this abundant feast, we partake and participate in creating a fair balance for all.


Come to the table. All are welcome!