Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 a.m.
Join us for Worship in our Meeting House or see links and instructions below for watching livestream or recorded services.
Join us for Worship in our Meeting House or see links and instructions below for watching livestream or recorded services.
Headsets are available for those who have some difficulty hearing. Please ask an usher.
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Upcoming Worship Service:
God is Love by Mary Hanson
Text: 1 John 4:16 (NT p. 292) 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a (NT p. 213)
Follow along in our Bulletin and find out what’s happening in this week’s Sunday Notes.
Altar Flowers
Our Altar Flowers this week are donated by Suzanne and Webb Carnes in loving memory of their fathers, Stephen B. Kostyal and Webb M. Carnes, Jr.
Light the Steeple
Our steeple was lit last week by Tandy & David Jarvis in loving memory of Josephine Riley Medlin
and by Anonymous in loving memory of Gary Briggs.
This week the steeple is lit by Harry, Angie, and Lee Ackerman in loving memory of Bud and Fame Ackerman.
Most recent Worship Services are below, but if you wish to go back further please visit our YouTube page.
I’m writing to inform you that we’ve decided to suspend worship February 16, given the predicted icy conditions. It’s the smart thing to do. And it smarts!
The angel Prudence compels us to suspend worship January 9th. If that news hurts your heart, I get it. Sometimes the sensible thing has a slight sting.
What Happens Without Love by Rev. Fredd Ward
Text: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Follow along in our Bulletin and find out what’s happening in this week’s Sunday Notes.
Our altar flowers are donated this week by Pam Hastings, Linda Hastings Rosania, and family in loving memory of Richard and Lorain Hastings, Richard Hastings III, Mr. and Mrs. R. Cleveland Hastings, Marcia Hastings Peck, & Charles and Lucy Jaworski.
Different Doesn’t Mean Deficient by Rev. Fredd Ward
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:12-26
Follow along in our Bulletin and find out what’s happening in this week’s Sunday Notes.
Our altar flowers are donated this week by the Dore family in loving memory of Linda Dore, beloved wife, mother, and grandmother.
In Memory of Martin: Be the Best of Whatever You Are by Rev. Fredd Ward
Text: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11
Follow along in our Bulletin and find out what’s happening in this week’s Sunday Notes.
Charting a Path of Love: A New Year’s Reflection by Janice Olson
Text: Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
Follow along in our Bulletin and find out what’s happening in this week’s Sunday Notes.
The Spirituality of Seuss (1 of 2): Oh, The Places You’ll Go! by Rev. Fredd Ward
Text: Matthew 2:1-12
Follow along in our Bulletin and find out what’s happening in this week’s Sunday Notes.
Our altar flowers are donated this week by Kathryn Beers in loving memory of Robert and Mildred Beers.